Ceai de salvie – Salviae Herb

Ingredients: stems, leaves and flowers of sage – Salvia officinalis L., fam. Lamiaceae.

Action: stomachic, carminative, choleretic, cholagogue, nerve tonic, uterotonic, healing and antiseptic, antiperspirants, blood circulation stimulant.

Application: traditionally gastrointestinal bloating, liver in irregular menstruation, nervousness. External abscess, gingivitis, tonsillitis.


  • Internally infusion. A cup of boiling water over 1 tablespoon pour product is covered for 10-15 minutes, then strain and eaten at room temperature, unsweetened.
  • Externally decoction. 2 tablespoons to a cup of boiling water product.


  • Domestic 2-3 cups / day.
  • External – gargle.