Ceai de sunătoare – Hyperici Herba

Ingredients: stems, leaves and flowers of St. John’s Wort – Hypericum perforatum L., fam. Hypericaceae.

Action: healing, anti-inflammatoiy, antiseptic, antidiarrhoeal, stimulates bile secretions and helps remove bile.

Application: Domestic, traditionally biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, gastritis, hyperacidity, gastric ulcer, colitis, diarrhea; external-use in burns, wounds.


  • Internal: infusion. A cup of boiling water is poured over 1 teaspoon product is covered for 10-15 minutes, then strain and consumed at room temperature.
  • External: decoction 100 ml, 1 tablespoon boiling water.


  • Domestic – 2-3 cups / day.
  • External – poultice or compress.

Warning: not associated with drug therapy without medical advice, not recommended for prolonged exposure to the sun during the administration of the cure.